ERAWEB CALL ПДФ Штампа Ел. пошта

erawebTop universities in the European Union and the Western Balkans to exchange students and staff in clinical and health sciences: EU-funded scholarships from 1 to 36 months! From 6 January 2015 to 18 March 2015 citizens of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYROM), Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99), Montenegro, and Serbia seeking a career in clinical, biomedical, public-health or applied research can apply for European Commission funding under the ERAWEB mobility scheme.
This provides scholarships for undergraduate, Master’s, doctorate and post-doctorate students, and also for academic staff at selected universities in EU countries.
Similarly, citizens of Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands can enroll at universities in the Western Balkans. Detailed information on the application process is available in the Call for Applications (click here).